After a while, Tisha came out. "Okay, now let's go!" she said. "Right" nodded Mina. They then went south to route 212. Mina searched the map, this is where they are: "If we keep going on we will reach Pastoria City over here:" she said pointing the selected area: "What?! nothing exciting is on the way?" asked Tisha. "Hmm..." Mina said reading the map. "Well," she said, "There is this pokemon mansion. We can check it out" "Okay then..." said Tisha. "Hello" said an old lady. "My name is socialite Reina, would you like to be in a pokemon battle with me?" the old lady asked. "Sure!" answered Tisha.
"If that's the case, go budew!" said Reina. "Oh no, a type disadvantage..." thought Tisha. "Go Squirtle!" she said. vs. Socialite Reina Trainer Tisha
"Let's Start. Budew, use growth!" Commanded Reina. "Let's tackle 'em, Squirtle!" commanded Tisha. A Critical Hit!
This Story Is Not Finished! Just Wait for me to add more and till Ember fix the topic problem
I wonder if I get shaymin in the role play... :D
Once you see a Pikachu, it will say pika pika then do whatever it wants.
You know what, I'll just post here the next part of the story. (I've been a mod in another pokemon RPG ^.^ My text will be much more detailed. Also, I forgot to mention that budew is level 4 and Squirtle is level 7. How else is squirtle able to make water without a water type move?)
Budew got slammed into a nearby tree. "Oh no! My poor little budew! You okay sweetheart?!" asked Reina. Budew stood back up, a little shakily perhaps. "Bud, Budew!" Said budew in confidence. Budew can still stand. "Alright My sweet little budew, show them the how we attack with absorb!" Ordered Reina. Budew began to glow green and then budew shot out a light green beam of energy, it sparkled with the sun's rays of light. "A grass type move! Quick squirtle! Dodge it!" Ordered Tisha. Squirtle listened to Tisha's order and moved swiftly to the right, making budew's absorb a miss. "Tackle them again squirtle!" Ordered Tisha. Squirtle did a playful jump then charge straight onto Socialite Reina's budew. Budew got slammed pretty far away, but not too far away. "Budew!" called out Reina. Budew shakily got back up. "Sweetheart, don't exhaust yourself, one final absorb should do it!" Budew nodded and focused a beam of light. Then a beam of sparkling green light shot straight on squirtle. "No time to dodge..." thought Tisha. "Squirtle! Try to deflect the absorb with bubble!" Ordered Tisha. Squirtle listened and opened it's mouth wide. Three bubbles came out of squirtle's mouth. Absorb and bubble clashed, even with the level difference, absorb still seems to get the upper hand. Pop. Absorb popped one of squirtle's bubbles. Pop. Absorb popped another bubble. "No good, absorb is sure to-" Started Mina. Pop! The last bubble popped. "hit!" continued Mina. Now that the path was clear, absorb charged straight ahead and hit squirtle hard!
I wonder if I get shaymin in the role play... :D
Once you see a Pikachu, it will say pika pika then do whatever it wants.