Both Sunfloras begin to move frantically from the shock and one SUnflora ends up being paralyzed!
Sunflora 70/140
Sunflora (plz) 60/130
One Sunflora began to do a weird prayer to the sun, and the sun's light grew harsh! The second Sunflora began to shoot a Sweet Scent around Ditto and Pichu!!
*enters park* holding a piece of paper with Darkai drawn on it and says to self "i need to get this Pokemon regardless of anything that happens" but first i need to get stronger
Hey guys, I'm sorry this place hasn't been active, I've tried before to get it running again but to no avail, People don't want to come back and I can't seem to get new members, that's where I need some suggestions.
How should we go about getting this place going again if we want to, or should we just create a whole new site?
I think that you did a very well idea for trying so hard to make this site so active. You did the clean up and tried everything, but let's give the new website one more chance, I'll help advertising it! Well, if it's possible to advertise it anywhere...
I wonder if I get shaymin in the role play... :D
Once you see a Pikachu, it will say pika pika then do whatever it wants.
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